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The Tesla Continuum: A Hidden Exploration in 3D
Add to Calendar Mon, 14 Apr 2025 11:00 AM Mon, 14 Apr 2025 01:00 PM The Tesla Continuum: A Hidden Exploration in 3D Join Yvonne Padmos for an enigmatic journey where the known gives way to the unknown. This exclusive conference, inspired by Nikola Tesla's legacy, poses questions that challenge our understanding of life:

What lies beyond the metrics of society?
How does our essence resonate through the ages?
Is there significance to our personal journey in the grand scheme?
Are we explorers of our own minds or merely followers?
Can we break free from the repetitive patterns of daily life?
No of Visits 19
Posted by - yvonne padmos

Join Yvonne Padmos for an enigmatic journey where the known gives way to the unknown. This exclusive conference, inspired by Nikola Tesla's legacy, poses questions that challenge our understanding of life:

What lies beyond the metrics of society?
How does our essence resonate through the ages?
Is there significance to our personal journey in the grand scheme?
Are we explorers of our own minds or merely followers?
Can we break free from the repetitive patterns of daily life?

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